What is a Reiki session like?

During a session the client will lie face up on a Reiki table fully dressed in comfortable clothing. Once settled in, Johanna Berry will move through a series of gentle hand placements (can also be performed touch-free upon request, as the effects are still the same).

The experience is generally most effective with eyes closed in a quiet state, but feel free to communicate any needs. There will be essential oils diffusing for aromatherapy (so please let Johanna know of any allergies and/or favorite scents!), relaxing music and use of chakra specific stones that will be placed on the client, to enhance the experience.

Finally, during the close of a session clients will hear a Tibetan Singing Bowl as Johanna incorporates vibrational sound healing.

What is Reiki?

Simply put, it is a holistic therapy that promotes healing and relaxation while reducing stress and anxiety.

On a deeper level, during a Reiki session energy shifts from a negative, heavy state to a positive healing one. It is an intuitive energy that goes where it is needed, leaving clients feeling deeply relaxed, grounded and peaceful. After a session, the energy continues to heal and shift, so clients are encouraged to drink plenty of water and maintain a low-key day. It is a practice that can be safely received by anyone of any age, including pregnant women! It is a process that is enhanced the more regularly it is received, and many clients schedule bi-weekly or monthly sessions depending on their specific needs. Johanna Berry welcomes all of her clients to a conversation, post session, to see what comes up for them and if they have any questions.


How much time do I need?

Sessions are1 hour.

What is the cost?

1 hour: $95

Monthly membership: $75/hr

What do I need to prepare?

Nothing! Wear comfy clothes.

How will I feel after?

Clients often feel very tranquil, relaxed and blissful.

You might feel similar to how you feel after a massage, but on a deeper level!


Book your Reiki session.

It is truly an honor to be considered as part of your wellness journey.

One breath at a time.

One breath at a time.